“It’s so rewarding to be part of the process of developing and perfecting products I love!”
Aliya Mazandarani
My experience with Natures Choice (2013-2018) helping them to refine and develop some of their products as well as bringing their product labels up to speed with current legislation has been extremely valuable. I have in-depth knowledge of food labelling (R146 & R429) and can create the correct nutritional table for products that need to be compliant in SA. Working freelance since the beginning of 2018 allowed me to broaden my work horizon and I have created a range of healthy pasta sauces for a well-known brand as well as develop a range of gluten and dairy free biscuits amongst other things.

I find product development both challenging and exciting at the same time and am passionate about developing products that are nutritious and make a difference in people’s lives. Seeing my products on the supermarket shelves is very rewarding for me and I am currently working on my own range of exciting products which I hope to release early 2021.